Speed and position control of AC servomotorsA LUNA topic description |
Technical abstract:At Odense University College of engineering, we have a number of industrial robots, equiped with obsolete controllers. While the robots are in excellent condition, we are unable to use them, as their controllers are no use to us. As all our robots contain AC servomotors, we would like to gain some experience in controlling this type of motor using other means than the original controller Given one or more AC servomotors with suitable power electronics, we would like to use a computer to control the position and speed of each motor, in order to experiment with different types of control algorithms, to gain experience with precision control of these motors. This topic can be treated without designing and implementing power electronics for AC motors, as we are able to buy appropriate power stages for the motors treated by this topic. |
Although this topic does not have ties with specific projects, it is critcal for our ability to use many of the robots we have aquired at OUC/IOT, and are planning to use in future LUNA projects. Obviously we would like to begin projects related to this topic as soon as possible
Community of interest:The primary interest in this project is with OUC/IOT and LUNA, as this topic is directly linked to our ability to utilize many of our robots. As we are planning to use these robots in various external projects later on, there are some secondary interests in this topic as well.
Contact:If this topic is interesting to you, please contact:Anders Stengaard Sørensen Ingeniørhøjskolen Odense Teknikum Niels Bohrs Allé 1 DK-5230 Odense M Room H-102a ![]() |